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About Me

After my 11 month mission trip called the World Race, I felt God leading me to move to Gainesville, GA and work for the larger organization associated with the World Race called Adventures in Missions. I am constantly in awe of how God is working all things to completion in our lives!

Some things I am passionate about:

New ideas and possibilities. Tacos, in all forms. Learning about new things. Songs. Exploring dirt roads and narrow streets. Believing in people. Libraries. Pulling the car over just to take in the view. Listening to and loving all people. Sporting events with popcorn and a coke. Watching someone step into who they were created to be. Airports and metros. A good cup of tea. Reading multiple books at one time. City skylines and rolling hills. Giving someone my time. Celebrations. The beach. My brother Jesus Christ and the inheritance I am given through him.