
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

The turn of the New Year has brought many things into motion with my new job here at Adventures in Missions. 

Last Friday, our campus welcomed 120 new Alumni Racers for a 5 day conference. These World Racers all returned from their 11 month mission trip around Thanksgiving. This conference is a way for our organization to provide support and direction for Racers in the midst of the transition off the “mission field.” The past 5 days have been powerful! T Squad, who I visited in Morocco in November and Kyrgyzstan in July, were here and the sweetness that I have always sensed and experienced with them came with them. I invited the squad to my apartment one night, offered my couches to a couple girls for several nights, and laughed a countless amount of time with people who impacted me more over the past two years than I ever would have thought. Saying goodbye this morning was tough; I don’t know when I’ll see them again. But although their World Race is over, God’s purpose for these guys isn’t, and I can’t wait to watch! 

On THIS coming Friday, I will be heading down to Atlanta for our January Launch! My next squad is launching on their 11 month trip on the 16th! I have been working with these 31 people all this past year, helping with fundraising, answering questions, calling and spending intentional time to get to know them, and praying over each of them. At Launch, we will have several teaching and trainings for them, as well as several nights of worship. As part of my new job, I will be doing a teaching on Storytelling through blogging on the World Race. I will be teaching this to two different squads (about 70 people!) Please be praying for me as I continue to prep for the breakout … that I fix my eyes on what God is saying, that I don’t rely on my own power and intelligence, that I open my hand and allow the Holy Spirit to guide my direction. 

I get back from Atlanta on Tuesday afternoon, and then on Thursday the 18th, I head to Colombia, South America! I will be joining another squad and building relationships with the Racers. I will also be teaching my Storytelling session to them as well. I’m honored to have a space to share from my own walk with Jesus the power and restoration that comes from not only GOING, but also TELLING! Our stories and the stories of others are opportunities to give God glory! And to also remember what God did in our lives, as a way to strengthen our faith looking ahead. I will be in Colombia for a week, so I won’t be getting home until January 27th. 

Whew! Three full weeks. Easy to get tired thinking about them! But, as my roommate reminded me, I get to be around four different World Race squads over the span of three weeks. I get to build relationships. I get to speak as the Holy Spirit directs. I get to try new things, and learn more of what is needed in my job. I get to be God’s hands and feet. And that sounds worth it to me. 

Please be praying radical prayers of transformation as these squads start their next journey! Thank you for reading this and for your support! I am still looking for ONE MORE monthly donor of $50 a month to join my support team. Please pray about what YOUR role could be in this ministry.